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AAWW TV: Microagressions (& Other Poems)

Poets Claudia Rankine and Hoa Nguyen speak with Rigoberto Gonzalez about the urgent need for poetry as a force for political change.


On AAWW TV, our new YouTube channel, you can relive the magic of live events at our space in Chelsea, check out in-depth interviews with writers, and more. Every Thursday we’ll be sharing a new segment from AAWW TV on The Margins.


Poet Claudia Rankine reads poems from Citizen: An American Lyric, which is a response to America’s racist history, microaggressions and police brutality. She is followed by feminist Eco-poet Hoa Nguyen who shares from Red Juice and As Long As Trees Last, two of her poetry collections. Then, queer Chicano poet and author Rigoberto Gonzalez moderates a Q&A session with Rankine and Nguyen.

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Read Lights of Spring, two poems by Hoa Nguyen in the Margins.