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AAWW TV: The Shanghai Literary Review Launch

The Shanghai Literary Review editors and contributors talk about their creative process, translingual practice, and literary journal publication.

March 8, 2018

Through our YouTube channel, AAWW TV, you can relive the magic of live events at our space in Chelsea, check out in-depth interviews with writers, and more. Every Thursday we’ll be sharing a new segment from AAWW TV on The Margins.

On Jan. 18th, 2018 we hosted the launch of The Shanghai Literary Review’s second issue. TSLR is an English language literature and arts magazine based in Shanghai and New York, Featuring original artwork, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, book review, and translation from and about Asia. Mike, Fu, Nancy Huang, Jianan Qian, Joy Huang Stoffers, Jeremy Tiang, and Julie Wenglinski shared their work from the magazine as well as answered questions about writing, translation, and literary journal publication.


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