tangled gold necklaces knotted/ with grief, chains my mother will not break.
Former and current Workshop directors and workers reflect on 30 years of AAWW’s spaces
Former programs associate Nadia Q. Ahmad on work, rest, and AAWW’s fabled green couch
Luis H. Francia and Eric Gamalinda talk about the making of AAWW’s Filipino American literary anthology
The poet talks with Eileen Tabios about his writing process and how “language can be a thicket and brambles”
What knowledge, beyond fluency, is required in acts of translation?
I’m often the outsider-insider and sometimes a bridge.
An Oral History of New York’s Arab and Muslim Community After 9/11
Former Open City Fellow Humera Afridi answers 10 questions about her writing life
When the sky is falling / you must learn to / generate a force field.
What does it take to strengthen and sustain the solidarity built in responses to crises like 9/11?
Looking back at 9/11 and the Fall 2011 issue of the Asian American Literary Review
Former and current Workshop directors and workers reflect on 30 years of AAWW’s spaces
Former programs associate Nadia Q. Ahmad on work, rest, and AAWW’s fabled green couch
Luis H. Francia and Eric Gamalinda talk about the making of AAWW’s Filipino American literary anthology
Former Open City Fellow Humera Afridi answers 10 questions about her writing life
The poet talks with Eileen Tabios about his writing process and how “language can be a thicket and brambles”
When the sky is falling / you must learn to / generate a force field.
What knowledge, beyond fluency, is required in acts of translation?
What does it take to strengthen and sustain the solidarity built in responses to crises like 9/11?
I’m often the outsider-insider and sometimes a bridge.
Looking back at 9/11 and the Fall 2011 issue of the Asian American Literary Review
An Oral History of New York’s Arab and Muslim Community After 9/11