slips off my softened skin
and I grow wings.

By Lenna Jawdat
Essays    Reportage    Marginalia    Interviews    Poetry    Fiction    Videos    Everything   

The Nepalese and Tibetan communities in Jackson Heights mix tradition with modern to keep their heritage alive.


…Hispanics and Asians are living in neighborhoods together nearly three times as much as they did ten years ago. But how integrated they truly are is a matter of debate…


The drummers were dressed in black and white tunics with colorful sashes and played traditional instruments…


Alex is a skinny teenager with shaggy black hair – almost like a Beatles cut. He comes here all the time, just to play this game.


No showering, no going outside, no drinking cold water–for an entire month. Many women in mainland China observe these rules as part of a traditional health care practice following childbirth.


From Abu Dhabi to the East Coast, a temporary resident negotiates the urban spaces that built him.


The Nepalese and Tibetan communities in Jackson Heights mix tradition with modern to keep their heritage alive.


Alex is a skinny teenager with shaggy black hair – almost like a Beatles cut. He comes here all the time, just to play this game.


…Hispanics and Asians are living in neighborhoods together nearly three times as much as they did ten years ago. But how integrated they truly are is a matter of debate…


No showering, no going outside, no drinking cold water–for an entire month. Many women in mainland China observe these rules as part of a traditional health care practice following childbirth.


The drummers were dressed in black and white tunics with colorful sashes and played traditional instruments…


From Abu Dhabi to the East Coast, a temporary resident negotiates the urban spaces that built him.