Book Party: Real Karaoke People
Ed Bok Lee

Poet Ed Bok Lee presents a night of poetry and music with special guests Pablo MedinaTaiyo Na and Purvi Shah. In Real Karaoke People, poems and prose combine tradition and pop culture with the energy of hip-hop, the off-key voices of karaoke, and a girl’s wicked drawl that first crackled through a KFC late-night drive-thru speaker.

Ed Bok Lee‘s collection of poetry, Real Karaoke People(New Rivers Press, 2005), was a recipient of the Many Voices Project Award. A former state Grand Slam Poetry champion, he holds an M.F.A from Brown University, and regularly reads and performs his poetry and stories across the country. Among his many awards are grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Jerome Foundation. His work has been published in Arts & LettersCrab Orchard ReviewSt. Paul Pioneer Press and Manoa, among others.

The event will include a booksigning, reception and live karaoke. $5 at the door and free for Workshop members.

Book Party: Real Karaoke People

Ed Bok Lee
Saturday, April 15, 2006
7:00 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
16 West 32nd Street, 10th Floor
New York NY 10001
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