Community Space to Breathe
Community Space to Breathe

We’re calling all writers, readers, activists, intellectuals, agitators, friends, family, friends, and community. We are here for you. We are holding a space for our community to heal together and share some light and love. We are here if you want to grieve, if you want to breathe, or if you want to fight. And we’ll also have pizza. Come together and draw strength.


Community Space to Breathe

Thursday, November 10, 2016
5:30 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
112 W 27th St
New York NY 10001-
Upcoming Events
February 11 1:00 PM
[VIRTUAL] Author Mentorships: Getting the Most Out of the Experience
Join the Author's Guild, AAWW, Blue Stoop, and Las Musas for a webinar on author mentorships!