Filipino American Psychology
Kevin Nadal

Come hear Kevin Nadal read from his groundbreaking textbook, Filipino American Psychology: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice. Filipino American Psychology offers a comprehensive look at the psyche of Filipino Americans. By examining history, cultural values, influences of colonialism, community dynamics and intersections with other identities, the reader will have an opportunity to understand essential information about this population. Students will gain knowledge and awareness about Filipino American identity and personality development, while practitioners will learn culturally-competent techniques to become better counselors, clinicians and educators. This book is the first of its kind, and aims to promote visibility of this invisible group, so that 2.4 million Filipino Americans will have their voices heard.

Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D., is a professor, psychologist, performer, activist and author who received his doctorate in counseling psychology from Columbia University in 2008. As an assistant professor of psychology and mental health counseling at John Jay College of Criminal Justice – City University of New York, he has published several works focusing on Filipino American, ethnic minority and LGBTQ issues in the fields of psychology and education. In 2007, he led a vast international campaign against ABC Studios for the negative statements made about Filipino medical schools on the television show “Desperate Housewives.” A California-bred New Yorker, Kevin is also a stand-up comedian and spoken word artist who has performed across the US since 2000. He was named one of People magazine’s hottest bachelors in 2006. He was a guest on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” and he has been featured on The Filipino Channel, the History Channel, Philippine News, and Filipinas Magazine. For more information, please visit his website here.

Filipino American Psychology

Kevin Nadal
Friday, July 17, 2009
7:00 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
16 West 32nd Street, 10th Floor
New York City
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