Launch Reading for Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World
Anu Taranath, Bani Amor, Julia MIchiko Hori, & Nadia Misir
Launch Reading for Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World

What does it mean to care about others in an unequal world? If some of us will always have more opportunity and privilege than others based on wealth, race, and education, what then does global solidarity mean? Whether we’re traveling abroad or much closer to home, it’s hard to ignore the politics of identity and inequality. Showcasing her new book Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World, Dr. Anu Taranath invites you to join her and co-panelists Bani Amor, Julia Michiko Hori and Nadia Misir for a book reading and lively discussion.

RSVP HERE! $5 Suggested Donation.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. All donations go to AAWW public programs. The Asian American Workshop is a national nonprofit dedicated to the belief that Asian American stories deserve to be told.

Dr. Anu Taranath is a speaker, facilitator, and educator. As faculty at the University of Washington Seattle, she teaches about global literature, race, and equity, and directs study abroad programs on human rights themes. She’s received the Seattle Weekly‘s “Best of Seattle” designation, the University of Washington’s Distinguished Teaching Award, and multiple Fulbright fellowships. Her book Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World (Between The Lines, June 2019) has been featured in YES! Magazine and made Fodor’s Travel “Best Books of Spring” list for 2019. A consultant known for “pushing the conversation without pushing folks away,” she works with people in colleges, libraries, businesses, community organizations, and government agencies to deepen equity, social justice, and global consciousness.

Julia Michiko Hori is a PhD Candidate in the Department of English at Princeton University, pursuing a certificate in African American studies. Her dissertation, “Restoration After Decolonization” examines the relationship between built space and violence in the legacies of British imperial rule and Caribbean plantation slavery after WWII. Her work has appeared in American Quarterly and is forthcoming in Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts and Letters.

Bani Amor is a gender/queer travel writer who explores the relationships between race, place, and power. Their work has appeared in CNN Travel, Fodor’s, AFAR, and Teen Vogue, and in Outside the XY: Queer Black and Brown Masculinity, and the upcoming Where We Stand: Brown and Black Voices Speak the Earth. Follow them on Twitter @bani_amor and on Instagram at @baniamor.

Nadia Misir writes about diaspora, intimacy, grief, growing up Indo-Caribbean in Queens and the way histories of oppression reveal themselves in unexpected, mundane and intimate moments. Follow me @nuancednadia.

This event will be livestreamed on the Asian American Writers’ Facebook page.

* The space is wheelchair accessible. No stairs. Direct elevator from ground floor to 6th floor.
* We strongly encourage all participants of the space/event to be scent-free.
If you all have any other specific questions about accessibility, please email Tiffany Le at with any questions on reserving priority seating.

Launch Reading for Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World

Anu Taranath, Bani Amor, Julia MIchiko Hori, & Nadia Misir
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
7:00 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
112 W. 27th Street, 6th Floor
New York NY 10001
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