Participants Wanted Now!
Have you ever …
Lived with 47 roommates in a studio apartment?
Been sexually harrassed during your internship?
Thought you were smarter than your boss?
Gone on the date from hell?
Stolen a chandelier from an open house at a loft you could never afford?
Then, we want to hear about it. You get 5 minutes to take it from beginning to end at our New York Minutes live storytelling contest on Tuesday, July 18. Reward: $100 cash prize + one year free membership to the Workshop!
To sign up, call 212.494.0061, Tuesday – Friday from 12:30 – 6:30pm. Deadline to enter contest is Friday, July 14th at 6:30pm. Contestants accepted on a rolling basis.
Who can enter the contest?: Anyone who has spent some time in the five boroughs of New York with a good story to tell, regardless of age or ethnicity.
How will the contest be judged?: Audience vote counts for 50%, so bring your friends. The other 50% is from the current interns at the Workshop. Read about the four of them here.
But my story is 8 minutes long!: Sorry, any story over 5 minutes will be disqualified.
Featuring N. Rain Noe, F. Omar Telan, Edward Garcia + special guests. There will be a reception.
The event is $5 at the door and is free for Workshop members.