No-Name Mind: Stories of Mental Health from Asian America, A Workshop
Nina Sharma
No-Name Mind: Stories of Mental Health from Asian America, A Workshop

Six sessions, April 14-May 19, 2018
Saturdays from 4:00-7:00pm
Fees & Payment Options: Free
Application Deadline: Thursday, March 15 2018 at midnight. 


Why You Should Take This Class: As psychic lives of Asian American women are yet to be rendered in their full complexities, “No Name Mind” offers a space to name our experiences with mental health and and map the vast contours of our minds.

This creative writing workshop for Asian American women focused on mental health will explore what it means to convert private despair and silence into language and action. Lead by writer and performer Nina Sharma, the workshop’s interdisciplinary approach combines literary, socio-historical and psychological material that encourages participants to interpret and critique representation in media, art and culture and craft counter-narratives of their own.

Course Description: Open to female-identifying and non-binary Asian Americans. All participants are expected to commit to a six-session program and complete all assignments. Applications (accepted via Google Form) are reviewed on a rolling basis with a final deadline of March 15, 2018. This program is FREE.

Nina Sharma is a writer from Edison, New Jersey. Her work has been featured in Anomaly, Longreads, The Grief Diaries, Banango Street, The Margins, The Blueshift Journal, Teachers & Writers Magazine, The Asian American Literary Review, Drunken Boat, Certain Circuits Magazine, The Feminist Wire, Reverie: Midwest African American Literature, and Ginosko Literary Journal. She was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize for her essay,“Not Dead.” Her essay, “The Bride’s Goodbye” was nominated for Best of the Net 2017 anthology. Her essay “The Way You Make Me Feel” won first place in the 2016 Blueshift Prizes for writers of color, judged by Jeffrey Renard Allen and appears in The Blueshift Journal’s Brutal Nation feature. She also was recently awarded a fellowship from the Vermont Studio Center. She is formerly the Director of Public Programs at the Asian American Writers’ Workshop and with Quincy Scott Jones, she co-created the Nor’easter Exchange: a multicultural, multi-city reading series. She has an MA from Columbia University’s American Studies, Liberal Studies program and an MFA from Columbia’s School of the Arts writing program, where she concentrated in nonfiction. She was awarded a fellowship to teach in Columbia’s Undergraduate Writing Program, where she was lecturer in Columbia’s interdisciplinary pilot program, University Writing: Human Rights. She has also worked as a consultant at the Baruch College Writing Center. She gets silly on stage at The Magnet Theater.

This program is funded by The Asian Women Giving Circle and sponsored by The Asian American Writers’ Workshop.

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No-Name Mind: Stories of Mental Health from Asian America, A Workshop

Nina Sharma
Saturday, April 14, 2018
4:00 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
112 W. 27th Street, STE 600
New York New York 10001
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