Ed Lin, Lisa Chen and Tao Lin

An evening of fiction and poetry. In This Is a Bust (Kaya Press, 2007), Ed Lin turns the conventions of hard-boiled pulp stories on their head by exploring the unexotic and very real complexities of New York City’s Chinatown, circa 1976, through the eyes of a Chinese-American cop. Mouth (Kaya Press, 2007), Lisa Chen’s debut collection of poetry, gives voice to things that occur below the level of hearing or just beyond our notice by way of fables, instructions, classified ads and reality shows. Tao Lin’s debut novel Eeeee Eee Eeee (Melville House, 2007) uneasily documents the life of a recent college graduate, Andrew, with surreal touches – celebrity cameos, bears, and dolphins who say ÔEeeee Eee Eeee’ to express emotion.

Lisa Chen was born in Taipei, Taiwan. She earned a BA from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MFA from the University of Iowa. Her work has been published inHanging Loose, ZZYZVA, Prairie Schooner, and Threepenny Review. She lives in New York and works as a media and communications consultant for progressive organizations and campaigns.

Ed Lin is the author of Waylaid, a novel guided by an unnamed narrator, the 12-year-old son of Taiwanese immigrant parents who run a rundown motel on the New Jersey coast. Published by Kaya Press in 2002, Waylaid was universally praised in a broad range of publications includingBooklist, Asianweek and Playboy. Waylaid also won the MembersÕ Choice Award from the Asian American Writers Workshop in 2003. This Is a Bust, LinÕs second novel, was published by Kaya last fall with a starred pre-publication review.

Tao Lin is the author of a story-collection, Bed, and a novel,Eeeee Eee Eeee, published simultaneously by Melville House on May 15, 2007 in the first two-book story-collection/novel debut since Ann Beattie in 1976. Tao is also the author of a poetry collection, You Are A Little Bit Happier Than I Am(Action Books, 2006). TaoÕs second poetry-collection,Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, will be published in May 2008 by Melville House.

Cosponsored by Singha Beer
$5 suggested donation


Ed Lin, Lisa Chen and Tao Lin
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
7:00 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
16 West 32nd Street, 10th Floor
New York City
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