Transnational Sci Fi: A Border-Crossing, Otherworldly Reading & Discussion
Alice Sola Kim, Nur Nasreen Ibrahim, & Ruoxi Chen
Transnational Sci Fi: A Border-Crossing, Otherworldly Reading & Discussion

In 2019, two groundbreaking transnational Sci Fi anthologies were published, Readymade Bodhisattva: The Kaya Anthology of South Korean Sci Fi (Kaya Press) & The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction (Hachette India). Join sci fi authors Alice Sola Kim and Nur Nasreen Ibrahim in discussion with Editor Ruoxi Chen and more for a reading from these books, their own work, and discussion of the new frontiers of Sci Fi.

RSVP HERE! $5 Suggested Donation
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. All donations go to AAWW public programs. The Asian American Workshop is a national nonprofit dedicated to the belief that Asian American stories deserve to be told.

Alice Sola Kim, a left-handed anchor baby currently residing in New York, is a winner of the 2016 Whiting Award. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in places such as Tin House, The Village Voice, McSweeney’s, Lenny, BuzzFeed Books, and The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy. She has received grants and scholarships from the MacDowell Colony, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Elizabeth George Foundation.

Nur Nasreen Ibrahim is a television producer by day and a writer by night. Born and raised in Pakistan, she is currently based in the United States. She was a finalist for the inaugural Salam Award for Imaginative Fiction. Her essays and reviews have appeared in Catapult, The Millions, The Collapsar and other publications. Her fiction has appeared in Platypus Press’ ‘Shorts’ series, Specter Magazine, Salmagundi Magazine, The Aleph Review, Barrelhouse, and in The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction from Hachette India.

Ruoxi Chen edits science fiction and fantasy in New York City. Her work appears in or is forthcoming from Electric Literature and The Dark.


Hosted by Kaya Press in partnership with the Asian American Writers’ Workshop.

This event will be livestreamed on the Asian American Writers’ Facebook page.

* The space is wheelchair accessible. No stairs. Direct elevator from ground floor to 6th floor.
* We strongly encourage all participants of the space/event to be scent-free.
If you all have any other specific questions about accessibility, please email Tiffany Le at with any questions on reserving priority seating.

Transnational Sci Fi: A Border-Crossing, Otherworldly Reading & Discussion

Alice Sola Kim, Nur Nasreen Ibrahim, & Ruoxi Chen
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
7:30 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
112 W. 27th Street, 6th Floor
New York NY 10001
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