the / tangibility of absence: to put a ruined keep inside of someone / until it becomes skin
July 2, 2019
so apparently my name comes from the bible as people
have been keen to point out to me since i was young some
nomadic desert patriarch migrated somewhere & did some
stuff married two sisters which was a thing that happened
a lot more often back then : had slaves & sheep & other animals :
they don’t mention chickens but you never know : he had a lot
of kids changed his name started a nation then a few thousand
years later my dad had a cat named Jake in Seattle before moving
to an archipelago and getting hitched so they named me
after the damn cat to i guess put less pressure on me? idk either
way he promptly ran away -the cat not my dad- from where
he’d been staying i’m not sure if it was because he heard about
me but i was much cuter back then if you can imagine so word
may have spread : i’m sure he’s dead now and hope he had a good
the last part comes from my Dutch side of the family or as
Alec says “swamp Germans” the River Meuse is known in some
parts as the Maas but i’ve never been.
you wouldn’t guess
i was Filipino until you got to my middle name Eduardo
rich guard an attempt from a family to [redacted] -i mean
keep some part of a brother or son tethered here the
tangibility of absence: to put a ruined keep inside of someone
until it becomes skin
a few years ago an ex wrote a poem
bout me called “shadow of a great name” she was super
religious but i could have treated her better so i didn’t have
the heart to say joke’s on you lady that cat wasn’t all that
great. i mean he did run away.
my uncle, though –