My shadow turned to rust / …dust at the first strong wind / … the lungs of others / …hard to breathe / …to follow me / No one to lick out your lungs? / – sweep out the curious orange flakes?

Pitch and Frequency
having had no empire for the pitch
having had no colonies for the frequency
having had no eggs for the pitch
giving sperm for the frequency
giving spirit to the pitch
loaning mind is the frequency
glut – glut – moving into the future
we left – her – so far – behind
My shadow turned to rust
…dust at the first strong wind
… the lungs of others
…hard to breathe
…to follow me
No one to lick out your lungs?
– sweep out the curious orange flakes?
Let me look in my kit
In my field
… cotton flower
The field – white fire
A woman needs a needle
” ” sews the path onto the forest
” ” ” the pine trees into the floor
” ” her hands are closed with pinesap
Green needles in her black hair
A set of needles to sew the future
To pin herself to her future
If you come too close keep your skin under something thick
Or metal
A bent needle
Plays no music
The sound of the end of things that kiss the ground
Like there’s no tomorrow
” ” ” today
Like this is the last tyger
Stalking your dream
From one dreamer
To the next
Don’t die with the tyger trapped in your dream
The dreams of others the poorer
Tyger “
No tail to whisk all this baleful rust
” ”
Behind us