Petit 夏慕聰 , born in 1977, has published a zine and two novels. These novels explore relationships and love with attention to gay men, BDSM practices, and gender fluidity. His works are mostly serialized online, having encouraged and empowered those who are out of or still in the closet.
In August 2003, Petit began the serialization of Military Dog on the BDSM Forum, and came out as a SM enthusiast. In 2004, he organized Taiwan’s first BDSM society with like-minded friends. From 2011 to 2013, he participated in BDSM Theatre, where he demonstrated dog training to the public. Published by Gbooks as a novel, Military Dog is adapted into a short film, shown at film festivals and on streaming sites. Trailer: Military Dog
夏慕聰, 1977年生,曾獨立發行過zine,公開出版過兩本小說。小說作品多以男同性戀及BDSM多元性別流動的角色,探討著關係與愛。主要以網路公開連載方式發表,給予已出櫃或深櫃躲在暗處的禁羈人們溫暖與力量。
2003年8月在BDSM論壇開始連載《軍犬》,是其SM身分的出櫃。2004年帶著《軍犬》,與一群志同道合的朋友組織了台灣第一個BDSM社團「皮繩愉虐邦」,在台灣SM運動上貢獻一己之力。曾於2011-2013年參與皮繩愉虐邦劇團,將訓犬調教以表演形式呈現在公眾面前。在「基本書坊」出版的《軍犬》這部小說,已經改編成短片,在多國影展以及串流平台放映。 Trailer: Military Dog