When spell check doesn’t recognize your name

October 8, 2015
To read Rowan’s comic, click images to enlarge, and click through all three panels.
I love spell check. I love my computer. I used the Internet to talk to the wonderful women mentioned here. We met on a Facebook group for women of color in comic books. But, I chose to talk about this issue in comic strip form because as I handwrote, it was relaxing not to wonder—have I been added to the system yet? Hopefully, this issue will be solved. Until then, I tell my squiggle that he’s only reminding me just how lucky I am to have this name.
To read the work of other squigglesome women, check out their websites:
Wendy Xu | angrycomics.tumblr.com
Shivana Sookdeo | shivanasookdeo.com
Aatmaja Pandya | aatmajapandya.com
Tristan Jade Tarwater | backthatelfup.com
Taneeka Stotts | tanekastotts.com
Arielle Jovellanos | arielle-jovellanos.com
Shing Yin | sawdustbear.com
Natasha Lagasca Barredo | natashalb.tumblr.com
Renee Faundo | renee-faundo.tumblr.com
Yao Xiao | yaoxiaoart.com