Poems and translations by Red, Lượng Trần, Vũ Anh Vũ & Nguyễn-Hoàng Quyên

Editor’s note: Today’s poem by Red, co-translated with Lượng Trần, and poem by Vũ Anh Vũ, translated by Nguyễn-Hoàng Quyên are part of a notebook of experimental and experiential Vietnamese writing, the collection of which is gathered here. The pieces of this notebook, having transformed across time and space as well as various material forms, are presented here in their digital bodies as reproductions of the print edition tôi viết (tiếng Việt) | i write (in Vietnamese) (AJAR, 2021) and its art exhibition in Hanoi. We encourage readers to click on any images of text for enlargement. Print copies of tôi viết (tiếng Việt) | i write (in Vietnamese) are available for purchase here.
1/ skin.da
by Red, translated by Red and Lượng Trần

2/ thirsty skin. da khát nước

một bài luận về tử cung
by Vũ Anh Vũ
“khi chúng ta ngủ, chúng ta sẽ đi đâu?”
Billie Eilish

an essay on the uterus
translated by Nguyễn-Hoàng Quyên
“when we all fall asleep, where do we go?”
Billie Eilish