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Fourteen flash fiction stories on the places and people that stay with us

Fiction | Fiction, Flash Fiction, Remains, ghosts
December 21, 2022

In The Margins’ first flash fiction notebook, Remains, we gather fourteen stories by writers who urgently ask: after leaving, what remains? Across the notebook, writers confront death, grief, and the remnants of the ones we know. Flash fiction is a perfect form to capture the elegy of a moment, and these stories are playful, tender, cutting, and funny. Edited by our flash fiction editor Swati Khurana and our assistant flash fiction Yi Wei, this notebook shows how places can be resurrected through the memory and longing of people, and how people carry the residue of places within them. “We who live in diasporas—whether by forced migration, global inequity, or colonialism—make our lives with shards from our family histories or different homes,” writes Khurana. “Writers use remains.”

The notebook features art by Chitra Ganesh.

Read the full list of stories below.

Stories from top to bottom, left to right:

Editor’s Note” by Swati Khurana

Haunted Penthouse” by Urvashi Pathania

The Funeral” by Tony Wallin-Sato

Ghost Month Zuihitsu” by Sheng Kao

Ash” by Aathma Nirmala Dious

Three Reincarnation Rituals” by Lilian Liang

Two Small Hands” by Zen Alladina

Give Me an EpiPen for Resurrection” by Abhigna Mooraka

Little Crane” by Juliet Way-Henthorne

Postcards” by Elane Kim

A Crack in Their Porcellanidae Shell” by Mandira Pattnaik

Flight of the Buraq” by Yasmine Rukia

Tender Is the Ghost” by Sijia Li

Blue Stripe” by SJ Han

The Omen” by Cleo Qian

About the Art” by Swati Khurana