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Chess Club

$100.00 Chess Club quantity Add to cart Category: Uncategorized Description Description $100 One-Year Sustaining Membership What you get: All of our general membership benefits as well as a commemorative photo from PAGE TURNER 2010, a letterpress bookmark hand-made by artists Carolyn Li-Madeo and Meghan Harrington, the chance to make a limited number of “shout-outs” about your […]

December 15, 2012

$100 One-Year Sustaining Membership
What you get: All of our general membership benefits as well as a commemorative photo from PAGE TURNER 2010, a letterpress bookmark hand-made by artists Carolyn Li-Madeo and Meghan Harrington, the chance to make a limited number of “shout-outs” about your work via our email list, Facebook, and Twitter accounts, and free admission for yourself and a guest to all in house events.