How an Asian American literary pioneer fell into obscurity
The author of Crying in H Mart talks about Korean cooking celebrity Maangchi, caretaking, and psychological undoings
“As a writer, as someone who reveals their innermost selves linguistically, it’s lonely not to speak the same language as your parents.”
The author of The Tenth Muse talks about writing about women intellectuals, Korean myths, and writing against Western narrative conventions.
The author of Sorry to Disrupt the Peace reflects on writing out of desperation, Fiona Apple, and the novel as a ghostly space.
The award-winning writer talks about her new acclaimed short story collection, the anxiety of exile, and figuring out which narrative you belong to.
‘A family as triangle. Drifting lines. This [mother- father-child] triangle will never be reassembled.’
What the painful process of learning Korean, the language spoken by those who love me, has taught me about facing rejection as a writer
With the novelist who long thought she was a Korean American impostor
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