Dissent and Resistance in Bangladesh
Salil Tripathi, Jennifer Chowdhury, and Kavitha Rajagopalan
Dissent and Resistance in Bangladesh

Nov 15th is The Day of the Imprisoned Writer, and Bangladeshi photographer Shahidul Alam remains incarcerated. Join author Salil Tripathi and journalist Jennifer Chowdhury in conversation with The Polis Project as they shed light on the political, and historical events that have led to the current crisis in Bangladesh and the systemic crushing of dissent in larger South Asia. Moderated by Kavitha Rajagopalan.


This event is organized by The Polis Project and co-sponsored by the Asian American Writers’ Workshop.

*The space is wheelchair accessible. No stairs. Direct elevator from ground floor to 6th floor.
*We strongly encourage all participants of the space/event to be scent-free.
If you all have any other specific questions about accessibility, please email Tiffany Le at tle@aaww.org with any questions on reserving priority seating.

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Dissent and Resistance in Bangladesh

Salil Tripathi, Jennifer Chowdhury, and Kavitha Rajagopalan
Friday, November 16, 2018
6:00 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
112 W 27th St Suite 600
NY NY 10001
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