What counts as a mother language?
For a second, I imagine how it feels to inhabit a body people desire like gold.
Kakolór pati kan álang na tulang nin tawó / an pigrunot na bagás asín ginibong puto. |
Especially when you notice the rice flour / that she uses is the color of human bone.
“Ringu (1998)” and “Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)”
their oceanic smell that screams where they come from instead of where they are carried to
映 with a skinny sun radical and 其 a pronoun/ pointing to who knows what.
What if he just said the bird waited forever to alight.
I am trying to imagine my new life when I am returned to the place of my parents’ birth.
There are few men who will communicate with you in all the languages you know.
Turns out it, too, wanted
to know more than what the body can do.
映 with a skinny sun radical and 其 a pronoun/ pointing to who knows what.
For a second, I imagine how it feels to inhabit a body people desire like gold.
What if he just said the bird waited forever to alight.
Kakolór pati kan álang na tulang nin tawó / an pigrunot na bagás asín ginibong puto. |
Especially when you notice the rice flour / that she uses is the color of human bone.
I am trying to imagine my new life when I am returned to the place of my parents’ birth.
There are few men who will communicate with you in all the languages you know.
“Ringu (1998)” and “Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)”
their oceanic smell that screams where they come from instead of where they are carried to
Turns out it, too, wanted
to know more than what the body can do.