Txt Me: Identity and Community

Participants of our summer youth writing workshop — Txt Me: Identity and Community — will give a reading performance at The Asian American Writers’ Workshop!
In this eight-day workshop, participants have explored the use of fiction writing, creative journalism, and poetry through one of the newest mediums for writers: the blog. Ten young writers will present a writing piece told through their internet avatars, characters they have created just for this workshop. Fittingly, this event coincides with the Blogiversary – the mark of a decade since the first blogger.

Please come for this live reading with ten amazing young writers!

Readings by: Jessica Bolandrina, Lauriz Bonzon, Wei Lie Chen, Wing Lam Cheung, Pau Font de Rubinat, Ivana Ng, Tasnim Shamma, Mari Jo Umali, Toni Watson and Matthew Yee.

This event is free.

Txt Me: Identity and Community

Thursday, July 19, 2007
7:00 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
16 West 32nd Street, 10th Floor
New York NY 10001
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