Participants of our summer youth writing workshop — Txt Me: Identity and Community — will give a reading performance at The Asian American Writers’ Workshop!
In this eight-day workshop, participants have explored the use of fiction writing, creative journalism, and poetry through one of the newest mediums for writers: the blog. Ten young writers will present a writing piece told through their internet avatars, characters they have created just for this workshop. Fittingly, this event coincides with the Blogiversary – the mark of a decade since the first blogger.
Please come for this live reading with ten amazing young writers!
Readings by: Jessica Bolandrina, Lauriz Bonzon, Wei Lie Chen, Wing Lam Cheung, Pau Font de Rubinat, Ivana Ng, Tasnim Shamma, Mari Jo Umali, Toni Watson and Matthew Yee.
This event is free.