Workshop: Start and Finish
Janani Balasubramanian
Workshop: Start and Finish

Five Sessions, 2.5 hours each (6-8:30pm)
Tuesdays October 31st, November 7th, November 14th, November 21st, November 28th
Fees & Payment Options: $350 General / $320 AAWW Members (Join the Fanclub!)

Full payment due before first class. Maximum of twenty students.

Why You Should Take This Class: This workshop lives in the terrifying space between the aspirational (dreams, wishes) and the practical (goals, time). Collectively, we will map our visions, examine our roadblocks and design honest work practices that sustain us for many long hauls. Along the way, participants will start and finish many-a-project, and ready ourselves to tackle our biggest ambitions. We’ll get it done, whatever it is.

Class Description: “Starting’ and ‘finishing” are muscles; together we will train them. This five-session workshop will include improv, design, and writing exercises, and is open to participants of any creative practice.


“From my youth on, my personal motto has been the old Latin tag, Festina lente, hurry slowly.”
— Italo Calvino

Janani Balasubramanian is a writer of speculative fiction whose work has been presented at more than 160 stages across North America and Europe, including The Public Theater, MOMA, Red Bull Arts, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Most recently, Janani premiered Heisenberg (an audio augmented reality game on uncertainty and chaos) at the New York High Line. Janani is currently working on Sleeper, a dystopian trilogy about sleep and physics. See more at

Questions? Contact Tiffany Le at

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Workshop: Start and Finish

Janani Balasubramanian
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
6:00 PM
Asian American Writers’ Workshop
112 W. 27th Street
New York New York 10001
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