The battle for safety and well-being in South Brooklyn’s Muslim American community
This is what happens when writers go food-hunting while learning about a Brooklyn neighborhood
Surviving police surveillance and internal policing within the Muslim community of New York City
For this Syrian baker in Brooklyn, his ingredients are just like old friends — the kind that sit comfortably with you, in both silence and celebration.
What is it about Bay Ridge that makes it a place where white supremacists and Arabs, and other religious, linguistic and ethnic groups could live together side-by-side?
In his last sermon in Bay Ridge, Fr. K reminds an energized community that theirs is not a one-person movement.
Bay Ridge group pushes back vs. Islamophobia
sans politicians and beyond electoral cycles.
Ashok talks to artist Andrew Kuo about the history of painting, making his own Wu-Tang shirts, and Linsanity
‘these games draw lines / between crowds / i am one of many / who wonder, / how come the silicon valley / squats on san josé?’
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