The Slipper

Disposable and ubiquitous, this everyday object is also imbued with deep personal and cultural significance and beneath its surface appearance. The Slipper folio gathers six works of writing, translation, audio, and photography that push into different corners of this everyday object to bring out its relationship to class, home, political suppression, and personal freedom. 

Sandal-Sandal Jepit di Penjara || Sandal Jepit Swallows in Prison
By Ayu Prawitasari and Madina Malahayati Chumaera

Salah satunya: mengumpulkan sandal dari seluruh Indonesia dan diberikan kepada si polisi. || One such action: collect sandals from all around Indonesia and give them to the police.

The Slipper Folio
By Maureen S.Y. Tai and The Transpacific Literary Project

A collection of the six works of writing, translation, audio, and photography that nuzzle into different corners of this apparent insignificance

do you know somewhere inside their language, lies something mine?

땀과 핏물과 진물이 뒤섞여 끈적한 그의 맨발이 젖어 번들거린다. || His bare feet, sticky with a mix of sweat and blood and ooze, glisten.

By Emily Yang

if I extradited myself from my body cleaved into infinite / particles you’d never step all over me at once

Grandma Love
By Ji Hyun Joo

The slippers allowed her the pleasure of spatial recognition, an opportunity to go back in time and become the person cared for, rather than the one perpetually burdened with the responsibility of caring.

一隻人字拖 || A Flip-Flop
By 陳抒 Hazel Chen and 吳鍄穎 Aaris Woo

總有一次不想丟掉 / 太容易丟掉 || Don’t want to lose it this time / It’s too easy to lose

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