When my mother and I were hopeless, buckling under the weight of our unanswered prayers, she taught me that laughter can be a way of creating our own mercy.
The witch was not thorough / with her magic
NOTTHECRUSH tells me he has a crush on me.
People talk about the dead sometimes having unfinished business with the living, but my case was the opposite.
“Kids have imaginary friends, right?” I ask.
“Yes,” my therapist says. “But they don’t have imaginary abusers.”
We could only see Love if we did not look at it directly.
In this special folio, eight writers push back against the traditional ways of viewing magic in fairy tales to usher in fresh perspectives.
Her teeth and nails turned to grit, and she became part of the earth itself.
I’m starting to believe in small magics like / astrology and sudden rain
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