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Two Poems by Lee Doane

It’s no wonder / that so very few / survive / the experience of being / cast out / into the blinding light.


The rebellion
on my island

with every waking day
the fighting begins 

a faint lady enraged 
holds onto the 

just enough
for me to know
that my island 
is still

Transition Ills

Bright bulbs shine
dim in here,
and shadows
wreak havoc
on our perspective.

It’s no wonder 
that so very few 
the experience of being
cast out
into the blinding light

These poems are published as part of A World Without Cagesthe Asian American Writers’ Workshop’s project on The Margins that imagines the end of mass incarceration and migrant detention by bringing together the work of writers on the inside and on the outside. This project aims to nurture writers, activists, and intellectuals to dream new worlds beyond punishment, policing, surveillance, segregation, and exclusionRead more in the project here.