Seo-Young Chu (she/her) is a queer disabled cyborg of mostly Korean descent. Her publications include “M’어머니,” “Chogakpo Fantasia,” “The DMZ Responds,” “Free Indirect Suicide: An Unfinished Fugue In H Minor,” Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep? A Science-Fictional Theory of Representation, “Two Koreas, in the Key of Emily Dickinson,” “A Refuge for Jae-in Doe: Fugues in the Key of English Major,” and “I, Stereotype: Detained in the Uncanny Valley.” Her work has been listed among “Notable Essays & Literary Nonfiction” in The Best American Essays 2020 and anthologized in The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2018, Best American Experimental Writing 2020, and Advanced Creative Nonfiction. Her current works-in-progress include a design-fictional memoir. She teaches at Queens College, CUNY. TW: @seoyoung_chu
Seo-Young Chu