Since the new government promised land reform, the have-nots in your father’s village buckled over with joy, while the landed were bewildered
사람들을 따라갈수록 나는 거짓말이 되어가. || The more I follow people the more I become a lie
“Giving women voice” does not necessarily mean they will be heard or believed. From feminist refusal in Chang-rae Lee’s A Gesture Life to the quiet resistance of comfort women statues.
How caring for children is helping me reckon with my own childhood abuse.
She is girl. She is gravel. She is grabbed. She is grabbed like handfuls of gravel.
Jimin Han and Yoojin Grace Wuertz read and discuss their new novels, which interrogate Korean politics of the 1970s and 80s.
The frustrations and aspirations of the most famous outlaw from Korean pre-modern literature echo a story of modern Korea.
‘All the bitter things, one by one, in a rush, / She wants to swallow. Clothed in blueblack scales in a forest of iodine-colored seaweeds, / She wants to be chased by a shark.’
I should have pinned you / to that wall, but you have walked already / out of that drawn-on door.
An interview with writer and former editor-in-chief of Missbehave magazine Mary H.K. Choi
“We are not known to the mainstream disabled communities. We’ve been here for 20 years.”
“I logged onto the Internet and searched for others like me. I never found them, but I invited them over to my hotel room anyway.”
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