tangled gold necklaces knotted/ with grief, chains my mother will not break.

By Jenne Hsien Patrick
Essays    Reportage    Marginalia    Interviews    Poetry    Fiction    Videos    Everything   

Three artistic works, recently showcased in Kuala Lumpur and beyond, suggest why it matters that we think about the history of the Malayan Emergency in concert with the contemporary COVID-19 and climate emergencies


What was I when I was not quite in one place, nor in another, just in midstream?


A chapter from Year of the Rabbit, a graphic novel memoir of one family’s life under the Khmer Rouge


In the Texas prison system, my name is Chino. You will not know who I am unless you are immediate family or one of my few friends.

I forced myself to tell her to accept it and think of it as entering into a new theater. Turn it into raw material and endure to write about it.


This involves modulating my voice and accent so that I sound more Malay. It’s like having to work for my right to eat there.

having grown up using utensils she will never understand the comfort it brings: someone forming little mounds of rice that are pushed by the thumb into your mouth


20 Thai Baht = 33 Philippine Pesos = 44 Indian Rupees = x bolt of fabric = y square vuông of rice = 15,000 Vietnamese đồng = 2,600 Cambodian Riel = 2.6 Malaysian Ringgit = 9,100 Indonesian Rupiah = unquantifiable sweat


As my math grades plummeted, my interest in trombone records skyrocketed

Malaysian-born filmmaker Lau Kek Huat grapples with the difficulties of visually representing the Emergency

Rebolusyonaryong panulaan noong panahon ng batas militar |
Revolutionary poetry during the martial law years


“The ecology and economy of the region is under threat. This Transpacific Literary Project folio, Monsoon Notebook is for these essential, vanishing, and unruly waters.”


Philippine Dance Group Kinding Sindaw Is NYC’s Cultural Warfront Against Indigenous Erasure


Two women write about imprisonment, one from the outside and one from the inside.


it was such a big no-no that I had this impression of dialects 方方言言 being like swear words, or haram

We are becoming hardened. I sense a hardness in the so-called liberal circles, artist circles, activist circles.

A collection of the six works of writing, translation, audio, and photography that nuzzle into different corners of this apparent insignificance

Sakit lelah aku tidak lain dan tidak bukan harga hidup senang aku kini || My asthma is the cost of the middle-class life I live now


As my math grades plummeted, my interest in trombone records skyrocketed


Three artistic works, recently showcased in Kuala Lumpur and beyond, suggest why it matters that we think about the history of the Malayan Emergency in concert with the contemporary COVID-19 and climate emergencies

Malaysian-born filmmaker Lau Kek Huat grapples with the difficulties of visually representing the Emergency

Rebolusyonaryong panulaan noong panahon ng batas militar |
Revolutionary poetry during the martial law years


What was I when I was not quite in one place, nor in another, just in midstream?


“The ecology and economy of the region is under threat. This Transpacific Literary Project folio, Monsoon Notebook is for these essential, vanishing, and unruly waters.”


A chapter from Year of the Rabbit, a graphic novel memoir of one family’s life under the Khmer Rouge


Philippine Dance Group Kinding Sindaw Is NYC’s Cultural Warfront Against Indigenous Erasure


In the Texas prison system, my name is Chino. You will not know who I am unless you are immediate family or one of my few friends.


Two women write about imprisonment, one from the outside and one from the inside.

I forced myself to tell her to accept it and think of it as entering into a new theater. Turn it into raw material and endure to write about it.


it was such a big no-no that I had this impression of dialects 方方言言 being like swear words, or haram


This involves modulating my voice and accent so that I sound more Malay. It’s like having to work for my right to eat there.

We are becoming hardened. I sense a hardness in the so-called liberal circles, artist circles, activist circles.

having grown up using utensils she will never understand the comfort it brings: someone forming little mounds of rice that are pushed by the thumb into your mouth

A collection of the six works of writing, translation, audio, and photography that nuzzle into different corners of this apparent insignificance


20 Thai Baht = 33 Philippine Pesos = 44 Indian Rupees = x bolt of fabric = y square vuông of rice = 15,000 Vietnamese đồng = 2,600 Cambodian Riel = 2.6 Malaysian Ringgit = 9,100 Indonesian Rupiah = unquantifiable sweat

Sakit lelah aku tidak lain dan tidak bukan harga hidup senang aku kini || My asthma is the cost of the middle-class life I live now