How translating the writings of a former Malayan Communist Party member changed me
He had once asked his mother to describe his father’s face, a question whose weight he did not recognise until he had been older.
Transgressing spatial and temporal bounds through the image
An examination of Malayan Emergency fiction’s depiction of Sinophone, Anglophone, and Indigenous points of view
A researcher visits the UK National Archives in search of Malaya.
Three artistic works, recently showcased in Kuala Lumpur and beyond, suggest why it matters that we think about the history of the Malayan Emergency in concert with the contemporary COVID-19 and climate emergencies
| As long as the traveling carnival committed self-destruction, it could come alive once more in a different place.
Nine essays and stories from a new generation of writers grappling with the Malayan Emergency | 新世代作家的九篇文章和故事探討馬來亞緊急狀態
Malaysian-born filmmaker Lau Kek Huat grapples with the difficulties of visually representing the Emergency
Malaya’s rainforest in the colonial and military imaginary
Reimagining the Malayan Emergency
You couldn’t claim that you were lost. The footsteps of your comrades dragged you sharply back into the present, no wavering possible.
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